Commissioning by remote access
How do I commission a plant in Australia without traveling to Australia?
"There is always a solution. Sometimes it just needs new ways to do it." The path did not lead from Germany to Down Under. Instead, Blumenbecker chose the digital approach. The German-Polish Blumenbecker team commissioned the plant remotely.
In the new warehouse of the wholesaler BevChain in Sydney, a transport system for beverage delivery was to be implemented. The system centres around 37 vehicles that travel in a circuit and supply all the important logistics areas.
Initially, an Australian engineer was sought to carry out the operational part on site. From Poland, Blumenbeck specialists then connected to the Australian engineer's laptop, which was linked to the plant. The laptop's head-mounted camera provided the necessary image information, and communication took place via Microsoft Teams. Step by step, the Blumenbecker team guided the technician through the commissioning process - 15,800 km and 8 hours time difference away.
Based on the positive experience, remote commissioning will have a permanent place in Blumenbecker's portfolio in future.